Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year

So here we are, Christmas Eve Eve. I am always amazed at how quickly it comes and passes. I try to soak in every last ounce of this season from the day before Thanksgiving until the day after New Years. Being a traditionalist at heart, I strive for what Clark Griswald did, the perfect family Christmas. He didn't get his, and I haven't gotten mine, as of yet. This year brought many blessings our way, and one of them was getting to go on a business trip to Las Vegas during the first week in December. What a fantastic time we had. Everything was draped in seasonal decor, and the weather was just right. It was a great energizer before we were launched into all things Christmas. But even as I sit here wrapping those last few treasures for under the tree, while The Polar Express plays in the background, and the smell of my sugar cookie candle scents the house, I remind myself not to loose grasp of the Reason that is behind the pageantry of it all. The Reason that is bigger than the tree, the shopping lists, and the pants size that I will need to move into once this day is over. And I pray that Reason will be a constant mindset and focus throughout the new year. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Too stunned to scold

It still baffles me how smart toddlers actually are. Mine, although still not speaking on a regular basis, has seem to figure out the ways of the world in just two short years. For example, every morning, after breakfast, Caleb will watch a Veggie Tale at the kitchen table as I do dishes, laundry, etc.. before we go to kid's gym. I have often turned around to catch him dancing, without any inhibitions mind you, on top of the table. He has been scolded etc.. many times for these actions and told repeatedly not to stand on the table. The picture above captures what I walked into the other day. Apparently, the need to be on the table got the best of him, but remembering my strict warnings, decided on a compromised position. I stood stunned, unable to scold.. He's too smart for his own good. And he's only 2!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our visit with Bob and Larry

What do you get when you take one life-size cucumber, a full-grown tomato, one trunk and one treat? Well, basically the makings for the last couple of weekends around our house. Caleb, a devout fan of Elmo has recently crossed over into VeggieTales territory. Now, grant it, we are thrilled. They teach Biblical principles, help instill Godly values, and let's face it, if you really sit and watch them, are downright funny. However, whenever something captures Caleb- it CAPTURES him, and that is the only thing, when it's time for a video, that he wants to watch. Sam and I can now sing you any song that you could possibly ever want to hear from any of their videos. You want "God is bigger than the boogie man?" know it. "Oh Where is my hairbrush?", done. "Love your neighbor?", even Caleb sings that one. So you get the point. Well two weeks ago, they came to Lifeway, and I thought he'd be thrilled. Off we all go, with colds, to see Bob and Larry, only to find that Caleb suddenly turned shy and wouldn't even smile at the camera. However, he did later sit at their feet like he was watching them on tv. So much for dressing him as Bob for Trunk or Treat. Maybe next year!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Mimi

Everyone who knows me, knows that one of the great influences of my life was my Mimi Darling. Mimi, my mom's mom, was one of my dearest friends. We shared a love of coffee,which started with her slipping it to me at a very young age, books, I got her hooked on Christian fiction, and shopping, my dad still talks about her dragging him from store to store the night I was born. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her, and sometimes, when I miss her quite a bit, I find myself pulling out that old blue night gown, the one I used to swing on, to see if it still smells like her. It does. I prayed for several "pre-child" years that Mimi, who struggled with lung cancer for quite a while, would live to see my first baby. The Lord answered that prayer, and some of the most precious photos and videos I have capture her dancing and singing to her great grand. In November it will mark her being gone for one year, and I still cannot believe it. I still reach for the phone to call her during times of trouble or triumph. And although a year has passed, I had not gone back to visit her house, the place where I spent many a summer and winter break. It wasn't until a few weeks ago where I felt the strong desire to take my little one to play in the front yard, where I spent so many hours. He laughed and played while throwing rocks around the front porch. She wouldn't have had it any other way.. well, maybe not the rock throwing.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sun, Sea, and Sand

So, we just returned home from "vacation". We belong to a group of people that lacks time throughout the summer, so we head to the beach in the fall. We have done this for the past 4 or 5 years, and Caleb started to join us when he was just 3 weeks old, so I have sweet memories at Myrtle Beach. Now that our man-child is two, I found myself very excited about how he would react to everything. Last year, at 13 months old, all he really did was eat sand, he couldn't even walk then. This year, however, he didn't let me down! He embraced everything about the beach, and I just tagged along behind him with my camera! He adored the ocean, but was not content building sandcastles, he wanted to be in the water. He would run to catch waves, then would chase them as they rushed back out, only to get knocked down by the next one... with me right behind him to pick him up...so don't worry. And since I am all about memories, I hauled myself (and Sam) out to the (chilly) surf to watch him chase waves for a good solid hour. Sam also celebrated his 30th birthday there this year, and since we went with friends, we all enjoyed welcoming him to the club---so no more jokes honey. Ah, the beach, I miss it already... good thing, I have all these dirty clothes covered in it, to help me get through this rough time!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Caleb and The Great Pumpkin

Everyone who knows me, and reads this (Hi Mom) is aware that I adore Autumn. I cannot get enough of the smells, the colors, the breezes etc... I always feel like it's only here for a short visit, and then we are snatched up by the rush of the holidays and chilly weather. So, I decided that this year, we would make the most of every fall activity possible. However, since our schedule is nothing short of overwhelming (as I am typing this I am quite aware that we are leaving for a beach vacation in 2 days and I have an enormous to do list) it has been difficult to tackle my list of "memory building activities". This list, I have decided, is so much more for me than for him, but he is only 2 and hasn't quite learned how to protest yet. This year, I desperately wanted him to go pick a pumpkin, and since Sam had the day off, we ventured out to a pumpkin "patch" earlier this morning. I use the word "patch" loosely, as it was just a large variety of pumpkins in the parking lot of a farmer's market, but hey a memory is a memory! I found that no matter what my excitement level about an activity is, it sometimes isn't enough to enthuse my boy. He couldn't have cared less about the pumpkins, and was more fascinated by the crates that they sat on...boys! He did however pick one out to take home with him, and called it "pumpin" all the way home.. If only I could have found a hay ride and a place to bob for apples!

Monday, September 15, 2008

We're Two.......... (well on the Thursday we will be)

I have been very pensive this week, and maybe a wee bit sentimental over the fact that Caleb is turning 2. Yes, I do understand that it is 2, and not 30, but still. I have found myself thinking about how quickly these two years have passed, and how too soon the others will as well. Maybe that is why I am hesitant to put him in a Mother's Day out, or any other type of "school" so early on. There will be plenty of school for later, and I have become selfish of my time with him. I guess it all boils down to the fact that I didn't think that I would take to motherhood as much as I have, or that being a "Boy Mama" first would capture every fiber of my being like it did. I didn't count on loving the sticky sweetness that comes from a syrup-covered toddler as he runs his chunky hands through my hair, the enjoyment I would find over playing in the floor with a hot wheels car for a good solid 30 minutes while laundry awaited, or the cravings I would have for the smell of a sweaty little man, who spent the morning trying to beat the squirrels out of park trees. (I may have had a hand in teaching him that--but they really do outnumber us--one or two less isn't going to matter =). So as I rush out to get the birthday food for a Saturday marked with sugar infused two year olds, I think about how thankful I am for the juice stains on the rug, the pens stuck in the VCR, and the soft sounds of "mama" coming from his crib. Almost enough to make me want another right now. Almost.... =)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Great minds think alike (sometimes)

Parenting is difficult--no joke right? Well, I have found this week that parenting without communication is even more challenging. Sam and I have different parenting personalities. Since I am home with Caleb all day, and albeit not as laid back as Sam, I am often the one that dishes out the discipline. Now, don't get me wrong, Sam is awesome at handling behavioral situations when he is home, but honestly, Daddy is just more fun than I am. And I have become ok with that. However, there are times when we get our wires crossed, and confuse the poor kid. For example, the picture above was taken (with a little pride by mom) because it was the first time Caleb climbed into a chair. Yes, I know it's dangerous, and he doesn't do it now, but remember I am a first-time mom, who gets excited over first anythings . So, I took a picture. Later that day, Sam walks in, Caleb climbs in the chair, and an immediate scolding takes place...Oops!! Poor Caleb--we'll get it together one day son, hopefully before college.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Moment

Amazing as it is, we are hovering right over age 2 in this house. And I don't know wether to be thrilled we made it this far, or just to tighten our seatbelts for the upcoming year.. so here I sit both thrilled and tightening. The more that I am around other two year old boys (and other children in general), the more that I see how different they really are. I find it fascinating that so much personality can be shoved into such a little (in most cases) body. And it is this interaction with others that has aided in my putting aside of (some) of my first-child motherly fears, which include, but are not limited to "when will he talk?", "why won't he sleep just anywhere!", "when does the paci really need to go?", and "is it so horrible to start kindergarten in a diaper?".. ok maybe not the last one. The answer to all of these, I have found, is that he was created uniquely, wonderfully different from any other child, and his growth is in his time. I just need to stop worrying (yeah right!) and enjoy the moment.. so that is what I will do--at least for now! =)

Monday, July 7, 2008

ABCs, 123s, and lots of ketchup!

Lately, I feel like I wake up to a new baby each morning. Every day he does something new, and I find myself wondering if someone comes in and teaches him these things while we all sleep. He now knows his ABCs and almost in the proper order--he tends to get his "LMNOP" a little mixed up. And then last week, I was in the kitchen when I heard a little voice counting to 10. I remember thinking that it was on Sesame Street, until I went in the living room and realized it was Caleb. Now, being the proud mamma that I am, I have tried on several occasions to get him to perform these tricks for a group of my friends. He, of course, looks at me like he has no earthly idea what an "a" or a "8" is. So to those of you, who I tried this with and who happen to be reading this, I really didn't make it up! We are still in the house hunt, but are getting closer to narrowing it down to one or two homes that we love. We have to find something soon, since our lease ends in October, and we have very much outgrown our little townhome. So that is where we found ourselves on the Fourth of July: house hunting and eating lots of ketchup. I have tried to keep it away from Caleb for as long as possible, but he has discovered it (thank you daddy) and now would rather eat it then the food that comes with it. You know, who can really blame him?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Slow Down!

I cannot believe how quickly this year is passing. It makes me a bit sad, and I often find myself looking through baby pictures of Caleb. I love the ones when he was newborn, you know the ones where the mom always looks like death and thinks she will never sleep again. I would sit and rock him, in the middle of the night, and think, "If I can just make it until he is three months old". In my mind, I though three months was the magic mark, and he would stop his colicky crying and sleep through the night. Now he is going on two, and as I rocked a sick Caleb last night, I thought about how I wished I could slow things down just a bit. If anyone knows how to do that, please let me know.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh Blanket, Where Art Thou?

Missing: One Green Fuzzy(or used to be) Blanket, smells like feet- or worse-, is covered in dirt and heaven only knows what else...answers to the name "Blanket"...Check Spelling

A horrible thing has happened today. We have lost Blanket, which, of course, makes me feel like Mother of the Year. Blanket, formerly known as "Feet", is a green,polka-dot, blanket that is Caleb's best friend (next to Momma and Daddy, or at least I like to think). He goes with us everywhere, and must be held close to Caleb's face to truly feel loved (see picture). Well, after a full morning of running around and carrying Blanket from store to store, we arrived home to find that he was gone. So here I am, crying toddler at my heels desperately calling stores and looking on-line for Blanket's twin. The things motherhood (and a sweet chubby cheeked little one) cause you to do. Hind-sight being 20/20, I would have bought several of Blanket's siblings and saved myself all of this trouble. Oh well, another nugget to store away for Child #2. Of course, that one may not even take to a Blanket...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pumpkin Patch, minus the pumpkins

It's either feast or famine. I don't write for a couple weeks, and then I sit down and throw two up here in a matter of a couple days. We went to the Pumpkin Patch today, and were so excited b/c I thought that there would be pumpkins etc.. (don't know why I thought he would be picking a pumpkin since it's May, but whatever). It was only after we arrived (late b/c I- once again- got lost) that I discovered there were no pumpkins. But it was a fantastic park, and he had so much fun playing with Katie, Ally, and Halania-- and a lizzard. He was the highlight. That and when Halaina (a friend's 2 year old) comforted a mid-breakdown Caleb. She just kept patting him on the back saying "Otay, Otay". Sweet girl.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

To the zoo we go

I have always had great memories of the zoo. The giraffes were my favorite. So, I was thrilled when our playgroup activity last week was the zoo! I knew Caleb would be estatic. What I didn't recall about the Chattanooga zoo, was that the only "real" animals to view are the Red Pandas. There are no elephants, no giraffes, but all this didn't seem to matter to my child, since all he really wanted to do was run free. You will notice that in all the pictures I have of him, you either see his boredom, or the back of his head as he dashed past me. The thing that got the most reaction from him was the birds. He recently stayed at my mom's house for the weekend, and was facinated by her birds, so he started to scream "E", "E" (his word for birdy) when we got near the parrots. All in all, I've decided that next time, we will save the admission fee and parking cost, and just go to her house!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


We had victory in the nursery this past Sunday! After two weeks of a very unhappy little boy, not to mention nursery staff, we discovered that it all came down to simple boredom on Caleb's part. This revelation came after a brief discussion with one of the nursery workers, who also moonlights as our Thursday night babysitter. She said that he may be fussy b/c he wasn't a crawler anymore, and that we should try moving him to the two year old room, which has THE SLIDE. She was right, and for this, Karen, we ALL thank you. Since Sam has been in Atlanta all week, we decided to attend our very first playgroup on Monday morning. Easy enough, I thought. Especially since it was a park with wide open spaces and rides. So we arrived to the playgroup, full of energy, boy-driven wonder, and curiosity, to discover a group full of sweet, quiet little girls, who all minded perfectly. We will just end with saying, it was an adventure for all involved, and that playgroup may never be the same. But we had a blast!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

My Strong-Willed Man Child

Ok, so I have finally given in to the pressure and have created a blog. I feel almost icky, really, spending all of this time and effort writing about me, but I will make valiant efforts. The truth behind starting this is to satisfy the craving of friends and family, who are always wanting current updates and pictures of our man-child and his many many adventures! So, here you go:

Caleb, who is now almost 19 months old, and who basically (at almost 10lbs) was born a man, has abandoned the timid and apprehensive nature of a baby, and has FLUNG himself full force into toddler-hood, and has taken me (kicking and screaming, I might add) with him. He decided about 2 weeks ago, Easter Sunday to be exact, to despise the church nursery. The whining starts as we enter the blue hallways, and usually ends with me being paged b/c he is sitting open-mouthed in the floor of the nursery screaming at the top of his lungs, making everyone miserable. I have decided to start sending Sam to "handle" the situation. All he has to do is look at Caleb, and everything suddenly goes right with the world. Go Figure!