Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh Blanket, Where Art Thou?

Missing: One Green Fuzzy(or used to be) Blanket, smells like feet- or worse-, is covered in dirt and heaven only knows what else...answers to the name "Blanket"...Check Spelling

A horrible thing has happened today. We have lost Blanket, which, of course, makes me feel like Mother of the Year. Blanket, formerly known as "Feet", is a green,polka-dot, blanket that is Caleb's best friend (next to Momma and Daddy, or at least I like to think). He goes with us everywhere, and must be held close to Caleb's face to truly feel loved (see picture). Well, after a full morning of running around and carrying Blanket from store to store, we arrived home to find that he was gone. So here I am, crying toddler at my heels desperately calling stores and looking on-line for Blanket's twin. The things motherhood (and a sweet chubby cheeked little one) cause you to do. Hind-sight being 20/20, I would have bought several of Blanket's siblings and saved myself all of this trouble. Oh well, another nugget to store away for Child #2. Of course, that one may not even take to a Blanket...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pumpkin Patch, minus the pumpkins

It's either feast or famine. I don't write for a couple weeks, and then I sit down and throw two up here in a matter of a couple days. We went to the Pumpkin Patch today, and were so excited b/c I thought that there would be pumpkins etc.. (don't know why I thought he would be picking a pumpkin since it's May, but whatever). It was only after we arrived (late b/c I- once again- got lost) that I discovered there were no pumpkins. But it was a fantastic park, and he had so much fun playing with Katie, Ally, and Halania-- and a lizzard. He was the highlight. That and when Halaina (a friend's 2 year old) comforted a mid-breakdown Caleb. She just kept patting him on the back saying "Otay, Otay". Sweet girl.