Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Please do not talk to the toddler"

Haven't you heard? Grey is the new black, black is the new red, and oh yeah, three is the new two! Whomever said that parenting is easy, was correct. It's the good and Godly parenting that knocks you into next Tuesday. And while I do understand that the rewards are beyond worth it, believe me I liberally relay this to myself every time I have to take care of a "situation, I still find it so much more challenging than momma ever said. For example, momma did say there would be days like this, but did she ever tell me that they would include screaming at the Greeter at Walmart b/c she tried to "sticker" him?? Which is why I am thinking of creating the following sign: "Please do not speak to him, look him in the eye, smile his way, or try to give him candy, stickers, crackers, or even a kind word until he has had a decent amount of warm up time. He will come to you." Maybe this one would be simpler: "Please do not talk to the toddler".
However, I have come to appreciate my blessings so much more. Especially when they come in the form of a exasperated momma with a three year old (strong-willed) man-child herself. I am finding that the Lord gracefully tosses out nourishing breadcrumbs, in the likeness of encouraging smiles, thumbs up, a listening ear, or even just a "I am right there with ya sister", to sustain me through these rough patches . Because what I am slowly grasping is that the good and Godly parenting amounts to differing percentages of imparted wisdom (usually handed down by an understanding mother or in-law), impactful, and sometimes daunting, experience, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants tricks of the trade, book knowledge, and more prayers of begging than there are hours in the day. Notice that I didn't say these were balanced percentages. Because sometimes they aren't, and I am learning that I need to just understand the intensity of this calling, pray more than I can reason, and depend fully on Him to do the leveling.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Moving Day

This post is definitely started with sprinkles of excitement, sadness, and the smallest bit of shame. Shame, because I was supposed to update last week, like I told my (one of two by the way) awesome sister-in-law Beth that I would. Excitement, because we are moving! And sadness because... well, we are moving. But back to the excitement. Rewind to about two weeks ago, when the Lord brought a huge blessing, in the form of a new place to call home, into our lives. It is an adorable house in a perfect location, wonderfully suited to take us into the next phase of our lives...this is where you probably are expecting a pregnancy announcement right?? Sorry to disappoint (mom)...

However, we are thrilled beyond belief at how the Lord answered so many prayer request, and brought us here "for such a time as this". So, we are moving...on Saturday (yikes) and thus the chaos begins.

And so does the nostalgia. I am going to miss our little "home" that we have had here for the past 5 years. It was also a HUGE answer to prayer at the time (a story that I will always treasure), and I know that I will have mixed feelings leaving it on Saturday. In this kitchen is where I told Sam we were having a baby. On that same note, we carried our new baby into this living room, and watched him toddle around here. This front "porch" (and I use that term loosely) has been marked by so many chalk ABC's that I truly believe that they are permanently engraved there, and I found out my sweet Mimi went to be with Jesus while leaning against the counter in the corner of the kitchen. I say all that to say this, the Lord continually reminds me that there is a season for everything, and at times we may get caught up in the excitement of the new, I don't think, He ever wants us to forget the blessings He gave us in the old..

So, I sit here typing, when I need to be wrapping and packing, thanking Him for His generous gifts, old and new.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So I think that I have stated before how Caleb loves letters and numbers..especially letters. Obsession would be a suitable word for it. Sometimes, when he is trying to go to sleep, I can hear him softly singing the alphabet to himself. When I hear him, I always rush to stand outside his door, so that I can hear it better. Those are the moments that I wish he could be two forever.

SuperWhy! has returned to becoming one of his favorite morning rituals, and I cannot believe the words he has learned how to spell through those little characters. About three nights ago, as he was playing with his bathtub letters, I noticed that he started to spell words on shower wall (the letters stick). At first he spelled CAT, which thoroughly impressed me. It was at my encouragement, that he continued--he's a "words of affirmation" boy if I've ever met one. It was when he spelled RAT, TOYS, WOLF, MINE, BLUE, MILK, and my favorite WIND, that my mouth fell wide open. I had to run and get the camera to take a picture, so that people would believe me. (which then accidentally got deleted, but I swear, it's true). At least now I know if I ever misspell a word, I have my own personal spellcheck with me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In my last post, I talked about our new found obsession with crayons. Oh how we love them. I, especially during these last very chilly weeks, have found myself staring at my mound of laundry as I color my cares away. =) And Caleb does such a fantastic job. He loves to color in his Bible story color book, his little notebook, oh, and the wall! Yep, that was last weeks festivities around here. I, while in the other room loading the dishwasher, noticed that he was being abnormally quiet. I returned to find the above picture. Notice that there is a variety of colors being used. This says to me that he took the time to put one down, think about it, and pick another up. Stunned and speechless, I knew there was nothing I could do at that point, which is when (and why) I took the picture. Note the pride on his face. I then explained to him that we DO NOT color on the walls- I am guessing that I didn't explain that before. He said ok, and I started scrubbing. Only to hear the slight scratching sound of crayon on paint on the other side of the room. I guess he didn't really understand. That artistic moment was met with consequence. And so have the other five that have occured this past week. I have given up, and went and picked up paint swatches. So if anyone would like to see his "exhibit", it's only on display for a limited time.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crayons and Clues

Move over chicken pox, step aside common cold, a new sickness has seized our home... Blues Clues fever! You can recognize the symptoms very easily.. blue paw prints, puppy noises, and continual reciting of the alphabet. At least those are the symptoms that have hit us here. Due to recent (real) colds that have hit us, Caleb and I have been confined indoors. This hasn't seemed to bother him, b/c he has had the company of his crayons, his color books, and his "Clues". Each morning this week, he has toddled downstairs, where he climbs in a chair to color in his books, while I make breakfast. He has developed a new obsession with crayons, which has renewed my appreciation for them. I forgot how much I enjoyed coloring, and have had so much joy rediscovering it through his eyes. Then it is off to watch an episode of Blue (he only likes the ones with Joe--not Steve), and has taken to acting his favorite songs and scenes out in the oven door--priceless! When he is not acting these scenes out, he is carrying his crayons around by the handfuls, even sneaking them into the bed. I discovered this last night when I rolled him over to find the entirety of his LARGE crayon box, and 4 color books, scattered in his bed. He even left me a note- scribbled on his sheets. Maybe I'll just save those for when he wins the Nobel Prize. =)