Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Please do not talk to the toddler"

Haven't you heard? Grey is the new black, black is the new red, and oh yeah, three is the new two! Whomever said that parenting is easy, was correct. It's the good and Godly parenting that knocks you into next Tuesday. And while I do understand that the rewards are beyond worth it, believe me I liberally relay this to myself every time I have to take care of a "situation, I still find it so much more challenging than momma ever said. For example, momma did say there would be days like this, but did she ever tell me that they would include screaming at the Greeter at Walmart b/c she tried to "sticker" him?? Which is why I am thinking of creating the following sign: "Please do not speak to him, look him in the eye, smile his way, or try to give him candy, stickers, crackers, or even a kind word until he has had a decent amount of warm up time. He will come to you." Maybe this one would be simpler: "Please do not talk to the toddler".
However, I have come to appreciate my blessings so much more. Especially when they come in the form of a exasperated momma with a three year old (strong-willed) man-child herself. I am finding that the Lord gracefully tosses out nourishing breadcrumbs, in the likeness of encouraging smiles, thumbs up, a listening ear, or even just a "I am right there with ya sister", to sustain me through these rough patches . Because what I am slowly grasping is that the good and Godly parenting amounts to differing percentages of imparted wisdom (usually handed down by an understanding mother or in-law), impactful, and sometimes daunting, experience, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants tricks of the trade, book knowledge, and more prayers of begging than there are hours in the day. Notice that I didn't say these were balanced percentages. Because sometimes they aren't, and I am learning that I need to just understand the intensity of this calling, pray more than I can reason, and depend fully on Him to do the leveling.